Institutions, private funds, market forecasting services, etc. have entirely other needs than the individual investor.

Find out how I.I. can help you: start here.

Market Forecasting Services

Do you have your own market forecasting service, but are not an expert in Elliott Wave? I help several other services in providing world-class EWT forecasts for their needs


Managing other peoples’ money, retirement accounts, etc is a whole different ballgame then a small trading account and entirely different information is needed to make the right tactical -and strategic portfolio decisions.

Private Equity Funds

I co-founded and co-manage my own private fund, and therefore know what it takes to be successful. Having skin in the game, allows me to help you as well.

I have to say you are my best analyst. Clear, easy to understand explanation. Your work is GREAT.

BMA, Ltd

Very nice updates, very detailed. Always enjoy reading them.